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🚀 Quick Start Guide

🌟 Introduction

py-gen-ml leverages protobufs to define the schema for your configuration. py-gen-ml uses the language agnostic schema to generate code and JSON schemas from the protobuf definitions, creating a robust and versatile configuration system for machine learning projects.


While py-gen-ml currently doesn't fully utilize the language-neutral or platform-neutral features of protobuf, these capabilities are available for future expansion. If you're new to protobufs, you can learn more about them here.

📝 Defining Your Protobuf

To create a protobuf schema, you'll need to write a .proto file. This file contains the definition of the data structure you want to use in your configuration. The protobuf counterpart of a data object is called a message. Most generated files we'll see later on will contain one class per message in the protobuf file.

Here's a simple example of a protobuf definition:

// quickstart_a.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package example;

// Multi-layer perceptron configuration
message MLPQuickstart {
    // Number of layers
    int64 num_layers = 1;
    // Number of units
    int64 num_units = 2;
    // Activation function
    string activation = 3;

🛠️ Generating Configuration Utilities

With your protobuf defined, you can now ✨ generate ✨ configuration objects using this command:

py-gen-ml quickstart_a.proto

By default, the generated code will be written to src/pgml_out. To customize this and explore other options, check out the py-gen-ml command documentation. The command will generate the following files:


Let's dive into the details of each file.

🧩 Generated Code

📊 Generated Base Model

One of the files generated is a Pydantic model for your main configuration.

# Autogenerated code. DO NOT EDIT.
import py_gen_ml as pgml

class MLPQuickstart(pgml.YamlBaseModel):
    """Multi-layer perceptron configuration"""

    num_layers: int
    """Number of layers"""

    num_units: int
    """Number of units"""

    activation: str
    """Activation function"""

Use this file to load and validate configuration files written in YAML format. As you can see, it inherits from pgml.YamlBaseModel which is a convenience base class that provides methods for loading configurations from YAML files.

For instance, the following YAML file will be validated according to the schema defined in

# example.yaml
num_layers: 2
num_units: 100
activation: relu

You can load the configuration like so:

from pgml_out.quickstart_a_base import MLPQuickstart

config = MLPQuickstart.from_yaml_file("example.yaml")

🔧 Generated Patch

# Autogenerated code. DO NOT EDIT.
import typing
import py_gen_ml as pgml

class MLPQuickstartPatch(pgml.YamlBaseModel):
    """Multi-layer perceptron configuration"""

    num_layers: typing.Optional[int] = None
    """Number of layers"""

    num_units: typing.Optional[int] = None
    """Number of units"""

    activation: typing.Optional[str] = None
    """Activation function"""

This file defines a Pydantic model for your patch configuration. All fields are optional. This allows you to express experiments in terms of changes with respect to a base configuration.


  • Changes are small and additive
  • You can easily compose multiple patches together

You can load a base configuration and apply patches using the .from_yaml_files method. This method is automatically inherited from pgml.YamlBaseModel:

from pgml_out.quickstart_a_base import MLPQuickstart
from pgml_out.quickstart_a_patch import MLPQuickstartPatch

config_with_patches = MLPQuickstart.from_yaml_files(["example.yaml", "example_patch.yaml"])

🔍 Generated Sweep Configuration

Upon running the command, you'll also get a file:

import typing

import py_gen_ml as pgml

from . import quickstart_a_patch as patch
from . import quickstart_a_base as base

class MLPQuickstartSweep(pgml.Sweeper[patch.MLPQuickstartPatch]):
    """Multi-layer perceptron configuration"""

    num_layers: typing.Optional[pgml.IntSweep] = None
    """Number of layers"""

    num_units: typing.Optional[pgml.IntSweep] = None
    """Number of units"""

    activation: typing.Optional[pgml.StrSweep] = None
    """Activation function"""

MLPQuickstartSweepField = typing.Union[
    pgml.NestedChoice[MLPQuickstartSweep, patch.MLPQuickstartPatch],  # type: ignore

This file defines a pgml.Sweeper for your configuration, enabling you to sweep over the values of your configuration. py_gen_ml comes with tooling to traverse the config and construct a search space for your trials. Currently, it supports Optuna but we'll add more frameworks in the future.

Here's an example YAML file that will be validated according to the schema in

# example_sweep.yaml
  low: 1
  high: 5

To run a hyperparameter sweep, you can use the OptunaSampler:

from pgml_out.quickstart_base import MLP
from pgml_out.quickstart_sweep import MLPSweep

def train_model(config: MLP) -> float:
    """Train a model and return the accuracy"""

if __name__ == "__main__":
    config = MLP.from_yaml_file("example.yaml")
    sweep = MLPSweep.from_yaml_file("example_sweep.yaml")

    def objective(trial: optuna.Trial) -> float:
        sampler = pgml.OptunaSampler(trial=trial)
        patch = sampler.sample(sweep)
        accuracy = train_model(config.merge(patch))
        return accuracy

    study = optuna.create_study(direction="maximize")
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100)

🪄 Generating a Command Line Interface

To generate a command line interface, you'll need to add the following option to your protobuf:

option (pgml.cli).enable = true;

Like so:

// quickstart_b.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package example;

import "py_gen_ml/extensions.proto";

// Multi-layer perceptron configuration
message MLPQuickstart {
    option (pgml.cli).enable = true;
    // Number of layers
    int64 num_layers = 1;
    // Number of units
    int64 num_units = 2;
    // Activation function
    string activation = 3;

When running py-gen-ml, you'll now get a file:

py-gen-ml quickstart_b.proto

💻 Generated CLI

# Autogenerated code. DO NOT EDIT.
import py_gen_ml as pgml
import typing

import pydantic
import typer

from . import quickstart_b_base as base

class MLPQuickstartArgs(pgml.YamlBaseModel):
    """Multi-layer perceptron configuration"""

    num_layers: typing.Annotated[
        typer.Option(help="Number of layers. Maps to 'num_layers'"),
    """Number of layers"""

    num_units: typing.Annotated[
        typer.Option(help="Number of units. Maps to 'num_units'"),
    """Number of units"""

    activation: typing.Annotated[
        typer.Option(help="Activation function. Maps to 'activation'"),
    """Activation function"""

This file defines a Pydantic model for your command line arguments. We've chosen to use typer to handle command line arguments, and we've added a convenience function to simplify the use of this class.

The easiest way to use the CLI is to copy the generated entrypoint script. The entrypoint name is the snake case version of the name of the message with the pgml.cli option with appended.

🚀 Generated Entrypoint

import pgml_out.quickstart_b_base as base
import pgml_out.quickstart_b_sweep as sweep
import pgml_out.quickstart_b_cli_args as cli_args
import typer
import py_gen_ml as pgml
import optuna
import typing

app = typer.Typer(pretty_exceptions_enable=False)

def run_trial(
    mlp_quickstart: base.MLPQuickstart,
    trial: typing.Optional[optuna.Trial] = None
) -> typing.Union[float, typing.Sequence[float]]:
    Run a trial with the given values for mlp_quickstart. The sampled
    hyperparameters have already been added to the trial.
    # TODO: Implement this function
    return 0.0

def main(
    config_paths: typing.List[str] = typer.Option(..., help="Paths to config files"),
    sweep_paths: typing.List[str] = typer.Option(
        help="Paths to sweep files"
    cli_args: cli_args.MLPQuickstartArgs = typer.Option(...),
) -> None:
    mlp_quickstart = base.MLPQuickstart.from_yaml_files(config_paths)
    mlp_quickstart = mlp_quickstart.apply_cli_args(cli_args)
    if len(sweep_paths) == 0:
    mlp_quickstart_sweep = sweep.MLPQuickstartSweep.from_yaml_files(sweep_paths)

    def objective(trial: optuna.Trial) -> typing.Union[
        optuna_sampler = pgml.OptunaSampler(trial)
        mlp_quickstart_patch = optuna_sampler.sample(mlp_quickstart_sweep)
        mlp_quickstart_patched = mlp_quickstart.merge(mlp_quickstart_patch)
        objective_value = run_trial(mlp_quickstart_patched, trial)
        return objective_value

    study = optuna.create_study(direction='maximize')
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The magic happens in the pgml.pgml_cmd decorator. This decorator is used to wrap the main function and add the necessary arguments and options to the CLI.

Now you can run your script with command line arguments and configuration files:

python --help

You can set parameters via both command line arguments and configuration files:

python --config-paths example.yaml --num-layers 3

With these tools at your disposal, you're now ready to create flexible and powerful configurations for your machine learning projects using py-gen-ml! If you're looking for a more complex example, check out the CIFAR 10 example project.