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πŸ” Parameter Sweeping

For parameter sweeps, py-gen-ml generates a Pydantic base model that replaces the types in the original config with structures that allow for defining the sampling space for each parameter.

The sweep config is then passed to a py_gen_ml.OptunaSampler which will sample the parameter space and return a patch that can be applied to a base config.

Your training code shouldn't have to be changed for a parameter sweep. It will receive the modified config as input and can remain oblivious to the fact that it has been sampled from a larger space.

πŸ§ͺ Defining a parameter sweep

Let's do a benchmark on how to iterate throug a as fast as possible.

πŸ”§ The schema

We will define a simple schema with some parameter that influence the dataloader.

// dataloader.proto
syntax = "proto3";

package dataloader;

import "py_gen_ml/extensions.proto";

// DataLoader configuration
message DataLoaderConfig {
    option (pgml.cli).enable = true;
    // Batch size
    int32 batch_size = 1;
    // Number of workers
    int32 num_workers = 2;
    // Pin memory
    bool pin_memory = 3;
    // Persistent workers
    bool persistent_workers = 4;
    // Prefetch factor
    int32 prefetch_factor = 5;

When we run py-gen-ml it will generate a Pydantic model for parameter sweeps for us.

import typing

import py_gen_ml as pgml

from . import dataloader_patch as patch
from . import dataloader_base as base

class DataLoaderConfigSweep(pgml.Sweeper[patch.DataLoaderConfigPatch]):
    """DataLoader configuration"""

    batch_size: typing.Optional[pgml.IntSweep] = None
    """Batch size"""

    num_workers: typing.Optional[pgml.IntSweep] = None
    """Number of workers"""

    pin_memory: typing.Optional[pgml.BoolSweep] = None
    """Pin memory"""

    persistent_workers: typing.Optional[pgml.BoolSweep] = None
    """Persistent workers"""

    prefetch_factor: typing.Optional[pgml.IntSweep] = None
    """Prefetch factor"""

DataLoaderConfigSweepField = typing.Union[
    pgml.NestedChoice[DataLoaderConfigSweep, patch.DataLoaderConfigPatch],  # type: ignore

You can see that it replaced the types in the original config with structures that allow for defining the sampling space for each parameter. The pgml.IntSweep type allows for several sampling strategies:

  1. Uniform sampling: sample uniformly from a range by specifying low, high and optionally step.
  2. Discrete sampling: sample from a list of discrete values by specifying options.

The pgml.BoolSweep type allows for sampling from a boolean space.

⚾ The base config

To run a benchmark we need a base config. Any sweeps will be applied to the base config by overlaying the sampled parameters.

The default YAML config is given below:

batch_size: 32
prefetch_factor: 2
pin_memory: true
persistent_workers: true
num_workers: 2

✍️ The script

We will load this config in the following script:

def run(
    config_paths: List[str] = typer.Option(..., help='Paths to config files'),
    sweep_paths: List[str] = typer.Option(default_factory=list, help='Paths to sweep files'),
    num_trials: int = typer.Option(50, help='Number of trials to run')
) -> None:
    dataloader_config = DataLoaderConfig.from_yaml_files(config_paths)

    if len(sweep_paths) == 0:
        dataloader_speed_benchmark(dataloader_config, num_iters=10)

    sweep_config = DataLoaderConfigSweep.from_yaml_files(sweep_paths)

    def objective(trial: optuna.Trial) -> float:
        sampler = pgml.OptunaSampler(trial=trial)
        patch = sampler.sample(sweep_config)
        return dataloader_speed_benchmark(dataloader_config.merge(patch), num_iters=10)

    study = optuna.create_study(storage='sqlite:///sweep_dataloader.db', direction='minimize', pruner=RepeatPruner())
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=num_trials)
    print(f'Best value: {study.best_value} (params: {study.best_params})')
  • Line 3: the path to the config can be passed as a CLI option
  • Line 7: we parse the config file
  • line 9, 10: if there is no sweep file given, we run a benchmark on the base config

πŸ› οΈ The sweep config

Next, we'll define a minimalistic sweep config to sweep over the batch size.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=schemas/data_loader_config.json
  - 32
  - 64

In the run function we load this sweep config and set a few things related to Optuna.

def run(
    config_paths: List[str] = typer.Option(..., help='Paths to config files'),
    sweep_paths: List[str] = typer.Option(default_factory=list, help='Paths to sweep files'),
    num_trials: int = typer.Option(50, help='Number of trials to run')
) -> None:
    dataloader_config = DataLoaderConfig.from_yaml_files(config_paths)

    if len(sweep_paths) == 0:
        dataloader_speed_benchmark(dataloader_config, num_iters=10)

    sweep_config = DataLoaderConfigSweep.from_yaml_files(sweep_paths)

    def objective(trial: optuna.Trial) -> float:
        sampler = pgml.OptunaSampler(trial=trial)
        patch = sampler.sample(sweep_config)
        return dataloader_speed_benchmark(dataloader_config.merge(patch), num_iters=10)

    study = optuna.create_study(storage='sqlite:///sweep_dataloader.db', direction='minimize', pruner=RepeatPruner())
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=num_trials)
    print(f'Best value: {study.best_value} (params: {study.best_params})')
  • Line 4: add a CLI option for the sweep config
  • Line 13: load the sweep config
  • Line 15-18: define the objective function. This is the function that will be optimized. It takes a trial object, samples the parameters for the dataloader and returns the result of the benchmark.
  • Line 20: create a new study
  • Line 21: run the study for a given amount of trials

We can now run the sweep with the following command:

python \
  --config_paths \
  configs/base/default.yaml \
  --sweep_paths \
  configs/sweep/batch_size.yaml \
  --num_trials 2

You will see something like the following:

[I 2024-10-07 11:10:54,448] A new study created in RDB with name: no-name-724460b6-177e-4750-b046-15627aad8711
Files already downloaded and verified
Time taken: 1.173576545715332
[I 2024-10-07 11:11:07,083] Trial 0 finished with value: 1.173576545715332 and parameters: {'batch_size': 64}. Best is trial 0 with value: 1.173576545715332.
Files already downloaded and verified
Time taken: 1.3076978921890259
[I 2024-10-07 11:11:21,024] Trial 1 finished with value: 1.3076978921890259 and parameters: {'batch_size': 32}. Best is trial 0 with value: 1.173576545715332.
Best value: 1.173576545715332 (params: {'batch_size': 64})

πŸ’» Benchmark

The code that actually runs the benchmark is the following:

def dataloader_speed_benchmark(config: DataLoaderConfig, num_iters: int = 100) -> float:
    dataloader =
    has_started = False
    for i in range(num_iters):
        for images, labels in dataloader:
            if not has_started:  # only start timing after the first iteration
                has_started = True
                start_time = time.time()
    end_time = time.time()
    time_per_epoch = (end_time - start_time) / num_iters
    print(f'Time taken: {time_per_epoch}')

⏳ Full sweep

A more elaborate sweep can be configured as follows:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=schemas/data_loader_config.json
batch_size: 64
  - 1
  - 2
  - 4
persistent_workers: any
pin_memory: any
  - 1
  - 2
  - 4

We'll keep the batch size fixed at 64 and sweep over the other parameters.

python \
  --config_paths \
  configs/base/default.yaml \
  --sweep_paths \
  configs/sweep/full.yaml \
  --num_trials 20

After running this for a while, open up Optuna dashboard to see the results:

optuna-dashboard sqlite:///sweep_dataloader.db

It will show you a web interface to inspect the results. Here's what it looks like:

Optuna Dashboard

You can then quickly see the optimal set of parameters in the bottom left corner.

πŸ€Έβ€β™‚οΈ Sweep type reference

Below, we give an overview of how field types map to the different options for sweep sampling strategies.

πŸ—οΈ Built-in types

1️⃣ pgml.IntSweep

For an int field, pgml.IntSweep will offer the following sampling strategies:

  • Uniform sampling: low, high and optionally step must be set.
  • Discrete sampling: options must be set.
  • Fixed: just provide an int

Imagine we have the following schema:

message Example {
    int32 int_field = 1;

For example, this allows you to create the following YAML structures:

  low: 1
  high: 10
  step: 1
  - 1
  - 2
  - 3
int_field: 5

β›΅ pgml.FloatSweep

For a float field, pgml.FloatSweep will offer the following sampling strategies:

  • Uniform sampling: low, high and optionally step must be set.
  • Log uniform sampling: log_low, log_high must be set.
  • Discrete sampling: options must be set.
  • Fixed: just provide a float

Imagine we have the following schema:

message Example {
    float float_field = 1;

This allows you to create the following YAML structures:

  low: 1.0
  high: 10.0
  step: 1.0
Log uniform
  log_low: 1.0
  log_high: 10.0
Discrete uniform
  - 1.0
  - 2.0
  - 5.0
float_field: 5.0

βœ… pgml.BoolSweep

For a bool field, pgml.BoolSweep will offer the following sampling strategies:

  • Any: use a string "any". This samples from both True and False.
  • Fixed: just provide a bool

Imagine we have the following schema:

message Example {
    bool bool_field = 1;

This allows us to create any of the following YAML files:

bool_field: any
bool_field: true

⛓️ pgml.StringSweep

For a string field, pgml.StringSweep will offer the following sampling strategies:

  • Choice: provide a list of strings to choose from
  • Fixed: just provide a string

Imagine we have the following schema:

message Example {
    string string_field = 1;

This allows us to create any of the following YAML files:

  - hello
  - world
string_field: hello

🧱 Custom types

🐣 Nested configs

With nested configs, the ways to sweep are slightly different. Let's say we have the following schema:

message Config {
    int32 int_field = 1;

message Example {
    Config config_field = 1;

For the config_field we have the following strategies:

  • Sweep: just provide one sweep for the config_field
  • Nested sweep: provide several sweeps for the config_field

This allows us to create any of the following YAML files:

    low: 1
    high: 10
    step: 1
Nested sweep
        low: 1
        high: 10
        step: 1
        - 1
        - 2
        - 3

For the nested sweep, we'll sample categorically between first and second. We then sample uniformly between 1 and 10 for the int_field in case of first and choose from 1, 2 or 3 for the int_field in case of second.

πŸ”  Enums

For an enum field, py-gen-ml generates a type that enables the following sampling strategies:

  • Choice: provide a list of enums to choose
  • Any: use a string "any". This samples from all the enum values.
  • Fixed: just provide an enum

Imagine we have the following schema:

enum Color {
    RED = 0;
    GREEN = 1;
    BLUE = 2;

message Example {
    Color color_field = 1;

This allows us to create any of the following YAML files:

Discrete with options
  - RED
  - BLUE
Discrete with all options
color_field: any
color_field: RED